Oddelek za raziskovalno in umetniško dejavnost Univerze v Mariboru posreduje priložnost za usposabljanje nove generacije raziskovalcev na začetku kariere za čas njihovega usposabljanja na doktorskem študiju v sklopu projekta MSCA 6i Dirs project na španski univerzi The University of Deusto.
Podrobnosti o študijski in zaposlitveni priložnosti so na voljo v izvornem sporočilu spodaj, pa tudi v Vodniku za prijavitelje, ki je na voljo tudi na spletni strani tukaj.
Rok za prijavo je 5. marec 2021.

Izvorno sporočilo:

Dear colleagues,

The University of Deusto (The Basque Country – Spain) has open the second call for applicants of the 6i Dirs project . Supported and co-funded by the European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme and over 40 partners, the 6i Dirs project aims at attracting 19 top-level international Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) for high-quality PhD training. The project encompasses seven doctoral programmes and 24 excellence research teams with 5 interdisciplinary platforms and 4 interdisciplinary areas.In 2020, the 6i Dirs first call of the project recruited 10 researchers. Following European Commission’s requirements, the candidates were selected via an open, transparent, merit-based, impartial, equitable and internationally advertised procedure in order to avoid any kind of inequality or discrimination, guaranteeing a fair selection process. This second call for applicants will be open until 5 March 2021. There is a choice of 16 selected topics for recruitment. 9 researchers will be recruited in the 2021 call. You can find more information in the document attached and more details on the vacancies and application requirements at the Guide for Applicants 2021, which is also available at the https://www.deusto.es/cs/Satellite/deusto/es/doctorado-2/cofund/presentacion-23/6idirs

Regards, Carmen Méndez

Attachments (need to be logged in to the EXTRANET to access the link)

6idirs_leaflet.pdf (141.42 KB)

Message sent by Carmen MÉNDEZ DE CASTRO
